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Meet Adrien and Lulu, the two co-founders and main tutors of Cambridge Tutoring.
In addition, we also boast a network of young tutors from the University of Cambridge who specialise in various academic subjects and top careers (such as engineering, banking, law, consulting...)

Mathematics, science, engineering
English conversation and tests (advanced level)
Study abroad and more
Welcome to Cambridge Tutoring!
My name is Adrien, I was born in France, near Paris.
I studied Engineering and Mathematics in three languages and five countries: France, Austria, Germany, the USA, and the UK! I graduated with two masters degree, and a PhD degree from the University of Cambridge.
Since then, I still live in Cambridge, where I am now a researcher and lecturer.
I have been tutoring Cambridge undergraduate students in Mathematics for over five years. At Cambridge tutoring I am excited to share my enthusiasm about academia, science, and English with Indonesian students!
I love discovering new cultures and visited around 25 countries in total. I fell in love with Indonesia in 2018 while travelling through Java, Lombok, Sulawesi and Bali for two months. I returned in 2019 for another two months to discover Kalimantan, and again in 2021 for another two months in Bali which happened to be in the middle of the lockdown!
I realised that Indonesian students have great potential and intelligence, but they find it hard to study abroad, because they don't have the proper tutoring. Few schools actually teach you the mindset and requirements of the best international universities, and how to build up confidence to get there. That's what Cambridge Tutoring does.

Administrative manager
English conversation (intermediate level)
Motivational coaching and more
Hi, my name's Lulu, I'm from Yogyakarta (Indonesia).
First off, congratulations to you for finding this page! I hope you will get in touch with us to see how we can help you or your child.
Here is a little bit about me so you get to know me better.
I was born in Klaten (Central Java). For my first 18 years, I lived in a rural village in Gunung Kidul (Yogyakarta). But I had big dreams and I did my best to make them come true!
I studied Social Sciences and Communication at UIN in Jogja. I graduated in 2019, and I travelled to 14 countries during this time, mostly in Europe!
My international experience started in the Netherlands, where I spent a total of five months; first doing an internship in an IT company, and then studying communication within the Turkish immigrant community in Rotterdam for my Bachelors thesis. I have also been to the UK multiple times, where I attended an international conference organised by Indonesian scholars, and spent over six months in the beautiful town of Cambridge. I now work in customer relations for an international software company.
At Cambridge Tutoring I help others improve their spoken English, and achieve efficient communication with Westerners. I think this skill is really important in order to open your mind, build international relations, learn things that aren't taught in Bahasa, and get a better chance to work in international companies.
Find out more about us.
A - Edu & Work
A - Res & Teach
2 MSc degrees, 1 PhD, 4 theses, 6 universities, 5 countries, 3 languages
2018 - now
Researcher & College Lecturer
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
& Magdalene College
University of Cambridge, UK
My main research area is the dynamics of stratified flows, which is the movement of fluids having different densities such as seawater and freshwater. I perform laboratory experiments, and analyse them with mathematical models.
2014 - 2018
PhD in Applied Mathematics
University of Cambridge, UK
PhD thesis: 'Waves and turbulence in sustained stratified shear flows'
2013 - 2014
MSc in Fluid Mechanics
École Polytechnique, France
Most prestigious engineering & science university in France
Ranked 1st of the class (~20 students). GPA: 3.9/4
MSc thesis: 'A global map of tidal dissipation over abyssal hills'
2008 - 2013
MSc in Mechanical Engineering
University of Technology of Compiègne, France
Top 1% of the class. GPA: 3.8/4
MSc thesis: 'Theory and simulations of confined active suspensions'
2012 - 2013
International Masters Programme
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Studied engineering, mathematics and physics for a semester,
and completed a six-month masters research project
International Engineering Internship
German Aerospace Centre, Stuttgart, Germany
BSc thesis: 'Characterisation of a new type of heat exchanger for the
aviation industry using the statistical design of experiments'
International Bachelors Programme
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Studied mathematics, physics and German in Austria's top science university
2006 - 2008
High school diploma
Paris area, France
Science major, obtained with highest distinction (perfect score in physics)
National and International
Research Awards
Silver Medal for Mathematics
(UK Parliament, Westminster, London)
Young Scientist Award
(European Fluid Mechanics Conference)
UK Fluids Dissertation Prize
(best PhD thesis in the UK in 2018)
Scholarships and Fellowships
(Total ~ £ 250,000)
International Conference
Research Presentations and
International Research
Summer Schools in
(France, Switzerland, Italy,
Austria, UK, USA, Canada)
Research Articles in High-Impact
Peer-Reviewed Journals
published with
Co-authors from
> 150 hours
of Marking Cambridge undergraduate mathematics admission exams
> 200 hours
of Tutoring at the
University of Cambridge in
Mathematics Courses to
> 50
Undergraduate Students
Research Internships supervised
with students from
(France, UK, China, Singapore)

A - Skills & Exp
Outstanding student honours
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Invited motivational plenary lecture at faculty event celebrating outstanding students
Invited biographical article in official university publication
2015 - 2019
BSc in Communication Sciences
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
My favourites courses were Public Relations, Psychology, Broadcasting and Journalism
BSc thesis: 'Turkish mindfulness in the multicultural society of Rotterdam'
International Thesis Research Project
Rotterdam, Netherlands
I designed, conducted, and analysed 16 interviews over three months to study
cross-cultural communication of Turkish immigrant communities in Rotterdam
International Communication Internship
Centric IT solutions, Gouda, Netherlands
I covered an publicised a range of company events (in English)
Responsibilities: graphic design, video editing, social media...
2012 - 2015
Senior high school II
Klaten, Indonesia
Science major. Special immersive class for outstanding students
Achieved top 20% in biology and history in Olympiads in Central Java
Customer Relations Specialist
International SaaS (Software as a Service) company, Remote
I work for a fast-growing company in an international team of young and dynamic people.
Every day I apply my problem-solving and communication skills in English language.
2020 - now
Events & Public Speaking
Master of Ceremony
for 6 corporate training events (Yogyakarta)
Organised venue, schedule, ticketing, advertising, moderating...
Radio Announcer
for 3 months at the online Radio Gulali
Guest Star Coordinator
for 2 major events on campus (Yogyakarta)
Organised travel, accomodation, security, orientation...
Multi-level Marketing Leader
for 2 years at PT Duta Network (Surakarta, Klaten)
Winned over 1000 customers and mentored over 50 of my own recruits
Market Research Interviewer
for 3 months at PT Sinar Sosro (Yogyakarta)
Interviewed dozens of retail store owners for market analysis
Fundraising Officer
for 6 months for a National Outdoor competition (Klaten)
Raised Rp. 100m from 20 companies

L - Edu & Awa
L - Work
L - Skills & Exp
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